This Week at St. Michael and All Angels’ 

 "We are delighted to gather in person for worship at St. Michael's."

On-line Service: As we continue our spiritual connection, we will continue to record the 10:30 Service which can be found HERE

Supporting Our Services

Coffee Fellowship:

We are looking for hosts for the coffee fellowship after the 10:30 service.  If you would like to share in this ministry of hospitality, please sign up on the rota at the back of the church. If you are unable to actually do the hosting, but would like to help out, please consider a small donation to fund the food and coffee or a gift of cookies, cheese, fruit etc. Shop baked goodies are perfectly acceptable. 

Flower Chart:

The Altar Guild would like to thank parishioners for their contributions of flowers through the year, which beautify our worship space. The flower chart for 2022 is posted at the entrance of the church. Please contact the office to reserve your Sunday.

Greeters and Readers:

We have some openings for Greeters and Readers. Greeters arrive a little early for the service and help ensure that guests and regulars are welcomed.  Readers participate in the service by ready the lessons. If you feel a calling to do this important ministry please let us know in the office.

Community Activities

Mobility Exercise Class:

These are free 1 hour classes for men and women held in the church hall. No special equipment or clothing is required, just comfortable casual clothes and shoes. For more information, please contact Valda Kitching.

Walking Group:

Walks take place every Friday morning, weather permitting. They begin promptly at 10:30 am and last about an hour. Easy walks are generally flat, medium walks are level walks, but have more up and down inclines. The average distance is between 3-4 kms. Please phone Linda if you plan to join in one of the walks. Everyone welcome!  

Craft Club:

Crafts are not only a personally rewarding, they can be an environmentally friendly way to make gifts and a fun social activity. Crafts could include knitting, embroidery, jewelry making or any other craft of choice. If you are interested in this club and need more information please contact Wendy London. The plan is to meet twice a month, on the 2nd Sunday and the 4th Tuesday of the month from 2:00 to 4:00 pm.

Fundraising & Outreach


Our returnable box is open. The money raised is given as a bursary to students at Camosun who have overcome obstacles to their education and are in financial need. For those who would like to recycle their own and have not been before to a recycling depot, here are some helpful pointers;

    1. sort containers in metal carts
    2. tell recycle clerks, charity number 185, prior to them counting the items
    3. take receipt and initial beside amount in their clipboard
    4. money is deposited into St Michael and All Angels’ account. Thank you for helping support this important work.

St. John the Divine Food Bank:

Please put dried or canned goods in the marked box at the back of the church. Please ensure that they are unopened and within expiry date so they can be used safely. New hygiene products are also welcome. 100% of any donated funds go to the Food Bank. For further information please contact please contact Stan Willow.

Peninsula Co-op:

St. Michaels’ Co-op number is 9300 please use when filling up with gas or shopping. All proceeds help us with special projects around the church.