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Outside Worship Space Update!

Our Parish Council visited our Outside Worship Space to see how we can use this space, as we continue to follow guidelines from our Provincial Health Office, Bonnie Henry, and the guidelines developed by the Diocese.

This beautiful space, in the natural environment, makes a perfect spot for Morning and Evening prayer.

When the Parish Council met there last week, they found that the space works like an amphitheatre and the noise of the traffic became unobtrusive. It was a magical time as we gathered. The majesty of the trees and the gentle evening sun helped create space for inner peace.

The Parish Council decided that small groups, taking into account family bubbles, will be sent an R.S.V.P. invitation to a service. Those able to attend will be sent any reading materials that can be either printed at home or read from a phone.

Our carpark ambassador will be there to sign you in (Provincial track & trace) and direct you to the Worship area.

If you are interested in attending an Outside Worship Service please let the office know how many are in your attending bubble and also if you are able to bring a lawn chair(s). 

Our services will be Evening Prayer at 4 p.m. and Morning Prayer midweek.

After that service, Parish Council will assess what worked well and how we can improve to ensure everyone's well being. We will, of course, continue to monitor provincial updates and adjust accordingly.

We will continue to record our weekly worship and give thanks for all who are helping to make that such a rich experience.